Value in Christ
I've wanted a relationship for a longgg time (like since 7th grade long). I wanted to be wanted, I wanted to be appreciated, I wanted to be valued. I wanted to be loved. That desire to be loved landed me in some uncomfortable and sometimes hurtful situations. I found myself repeating the same cycle with different people. Each time running back to God wondering why I kept falling into the same situations again and again. Eventually I sat down and made a list of what I was ultimately looking for, and it boiled down to a few things: love, value, worth, and affirmation. Growing up, I've always heard that God is supposed to be your first love, but in writing that list, I finally got it. All that time I was thinking a guy was going to give me love and validation when in reality, I should have been looking to God to fill that void because that's a job no man can do. The process in which I let God heal me was a satisfying one. I spent a lot of time in prayer and in the script...