Books I Read in 2024 (And Where I Got Them From!)
In 2024, I read the least amount of books than I had in the past five years: 16.5 to be exact. But getting married and planning a wedding took up a lot of my time, so I'm blaming the low book count on that, hehe 🙈. Did I just breeze by the fact that I got married when the majority of my blog has been focused on singleness? Yes, I did. (But that deserves its own blog post.) Post wedding, I'm looking forward to more books, more writing, and engaging with more readers. So for now, here's all the books I read last year. 1. Waiting to Exhale by Terry McMillan I found this book at Second Story Books in Rockville, MD, and I loved it. I'm a big fan of books and television set in the 90's. The women in this book were so relatable, and it just goes to show that women today are still going through the same things as women 30 years ago. Also, this book was written from multiple perspectives, which I love! 2. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talki...