Brooding in Brokenness
Note: I always write from a place of candor on here, but some things I’m more reluctant to share than others because I’m afraid of what people will think. This is one of those times. BUT, the name of this blog is “For His Glory” and when I started it, God told me that everything I went through would be used to give Him glory, hence the title. So, I’m sharing this because God placed it on my heart, and I want to be obedient. I wouldn't want my selfishness to impact another young sister who needs to read this because I know I definitely needed to see this when I was younger (and now as well). It's a little embarrassing, but if you can look past me and see Christ, that's all I ask. I live in my head a lot. A type 5 on the Enneagram with a 4 wing, my mind can go on for days. I’m also an avid book reader and a hopeless (hopeful?) romantic, so I can escape from reality to a far better scenario in my head fairly quickly. It’s a gift from God for creative writing so I’m than...