
Showing posts from November, 2019


“He who is satiated [with sensual pleasures] loathes and treads underfoot a honeycomb, but to the hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet.” (Proverbs 27:7 AMP) Over a year ago, I read this Scripture and the Holy Spirit dropped a bomb of revelation on me: I’d been the honeycomb tread underfoot, and I’d also been the hungry soul—the soul longing for and seeking and maybe even a little desperate for love, which caused me to be blind to bitter men—thinking that they were sweet just because they were interested in me. Maybe that L word is a little strong for you, and you’re not looking for love. Maybe you’re just going through a dry spell. Like dryyyy, where your phone isn’t lighting up, no one’s sliding in the DMs, you’re not going out with anybody, it’s just you. Sometimes it gets lonely. You might not want a serious relationship, but just somebody to go out with sometimes, somebody to talk to, somebody to hang out with… just somebody. Although we may not admit it, many of us are l...