Binge Watching Netflix: We can’t watch dirt and still try to live a pure and clean life
It’s been a long week of finals and now all you
want to do it curl up on the couch and binge watch a couple seasons of your
favorite show on Netflix. But before you log in, take a moment to stop and
think about how binge watching television shows affects your heart.
I speak for myself when I say that I had become
so desensitized to the garbage I had let into my life through television. Every
time I turned on the TV hatefulness, gossip, lies, greed, cheating, lust, etc.
were everywhere. I wondered why I was so hateful when all I watched on TV were
teens my age rebelling against their parents. I wondered why I was gripped by
fear when I had to go outside at night when I constantly watched shows about
murder. I wondered why I lusted after every cute guy that walked by when I was
constantly bombarded with sex scenes.
Jesus cautions us in Mark 4:24 to “take heed
what [we] hear. With the same measure [we] use, it will be measured back to
[us].” We can’t allow ourselves to listen and watch just anything. Whatever we
give our ears and eyes to, is what is going to come back in our lives. If we
allow ourselves to watch soft porn (heated make out scenes, shirtless guys,
women in revealing swim suites, etc.) it comes back to us in the form of lust.
If we allow ourselves to watch fights on reality TV (physical fights and
friends/family gossiping about and backstabbing one another), it comes back in
the form of anger and bitterness. Whatever we give our ears and eyes to will
come back in our lives with the amount we give ourselves to it.
Proverbs 4:23 directs us to “keep and guard
[our] heart with all vigilance and above all that [we] guard, for out of it
flow the springs of life.” If we leave our heart unprotected, anything can get
in. When we sit down and watch episode after episode of TV shows that solicit
anger, fear, hatefulness, lust, etc., we let that get in our hearts and it
stops the flow of life. We often don’t think the shows we watch our polluting
our hearts because it’s very subtle. The daughter on TV doesn’t slap her mom,
instead, she yells at her and storms out of the room. A son doesn’t run away
from home but he lies to his parents about where he’s going. These don’t seem
like a big deal but they plants seeds of rebellion and disobedience in our
hearts. When we sit on the couch and continually put in the same drama, rebellion,
lust, etc. nonstop for two or three days or even a week straight and don’t put
in any Word, we plant those negative seeds in our heart.
What happens when we get more and more negative
seeds in our heart through television and less of God’s Word? Luke 6:45 says “a
good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil
person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say
flows from what is in your heart.” Over time, if we’ve constantly added negative
seeds into our hearts, that is what’s going to store up.
One time, during my sophomore year of high
school, I decided to sit down and read Mockingjay,
by Suzanne Collins, in an entire afternoon. When I finished the book, I realized
that I had been reading for about seven hours straight. For the next few days I
felt like I was really in the mind of Katniss; I was thinking like her,
responding like her, and basically wanted to be her. I had consumed so much Hunger Games in a short amount of time
that it was consuming my thinking. It’s the same thing with television. When we
allow ourselves to binge watch episodes, it doesn’t take long for what we’re
seeing to take root in our heart. If what we’re watching is leading us closer
to sin (even subtly) then we’re storing up evil in our hearts. If we continue
to store up evil, that is eventually what’s going to be the abundance of our
heart, and that’s what will come out of us.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t watch tv anymore or
that we can’t enjoy a few episodes of Netflix at the end of the day. What I am saying
is that we have to guard against what we’re filling our hearts with and how
much of it we’re pouring in at one time. And if that means shutting off the TV for
a while then the time we would have spent watching Netflix can now be used studying
the Word of God and planting good seeds in our hearts. :)
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