Glorifying God in Singleness
When I thought about glorifying God in my life I would often
think about what I can do in my schoolwork, on my job, in my friendships, or in
a future romantic relationship to bring Him glory, but I never stopped to think
about how I could glorify God right now in a state of singleness. Of course I had
constantly heard the single woman’s encouragement verse, 1 Corinthians 7:34, “The
unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both
in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the
world—how she may please her husband.” but I never took that as a way to glorify God, it was more of an advantage of being single that I read
whenever I needed to feel better about not being in a relationship.
One definition of the word “care” means to attach importance
to. So you could read verse 34 as, “The unmarried woman attaches importance to
the things of the Lord.” Whatever you think is important is what you give first
place to. If you want to glorify God in your life then the answer is simple: put
Him first. I hate to admit it but the desire to be in a relationship had made
its way to near first place in my heart. I found myself thinking things like “I’m
living for you Lord so why am I still alone? Didn’t you say you’ll give me the
desires of my heart?” But the Word says to first “delight yourself also in the
Lord” (Psalms 37:4). Delight means to take great pleasure in, and I wasn’t
delighting in God or finding my pleasure in Him. Instead, I was looking for
pleasure in a relationship. The desire for a relationship had become an idol
and there was no way God was going to reward me by giving me something that was
going to take His place in my life.
Now I’ve constantly heard of ways to glorify God in a
relationship: putting Him at the center, remaining pure, etc. but I hadn’t
heard much on how to glorify God specifically in singleness. In addition to putting God first, another way to give Him glory is found
in the second part of 1 Corinthians 7:34: being holy in body and spirit. As a
single woman, one of the ways you can glorify God is in the way you carry yourself. Your behavior, the way you dress, your social
media, etc. should all be glorifying to God. God sees everything, even
something small like changing your outfit in order to wear something that is
more pleasing to Him, and He will honor you because you honor Him (1
Samuel 2:30).
In the end, this isn’t one of those stories where I
tell you how I decided to put God first in my life and then all of a
sudden I had a boyfriend and got exactly what I wanted. No, I’m still single
but a relationship isn’t on the throne of my heart anymore, and I’m constantly
making adjustments to make sure it stays that way. God is intentional and maybe
my singleness is being used to help someone else and bring more glory to Him.
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